
Volunteering is a great way to contribute to one’s community through positive, impactful action. For college students, it can also be beneficial for career development. 

Volunteering provides the opportunity to:

Volunteering for a cause you care about enables you to meet people who share common interests, expanding your network of connections.​

Students who volunteer develop key skills including leadership, time management and problem-solving, all of which lead to greater confidence during job search and interviews.​

Volunteer work can help you discover first-hand if a career choice is a good fit.

Make your resume stand out among other candidates! Volunteer experience can help make it easier to find and get that first entry-level job.​

Three people moving boxes out of the back of a flat bed truck

Want help finding volunteer opportunities?

Western’s Community Service Center can help you get connected to volunteer opportunities both on and off campus. Schedule a time to connect with someone during Western's Community Service Mentorship Hours. Email as.csc@wwu.edu to request a meeting. 

Ready to get involved?

Here are some resources for finding volunteer opportunities!​

Turquoise half circle with a yellow center. To the left are the words The Volunteer Center of Whatcom County

Volunteer Center of Whatcom County

​Search for opportunities at a range of local nonprofit organizations, with the option to filter by topic, distance, accessibility and more!​


Blue circle with the word win in the center. To the right of the circle are the words Western Involvement Network in blue letters.

Western Involvement Network (WIN)​

​Get involve with a service club on campus! ​


Blue circle with white dove inside it and the words Peace Corps to the right of it

Peace Corps

Explore opportunities to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer after graduation in one of 60 countries. Gain valuable experience, building cross-cultural knowledge and leadership skills that will serve as a foundation for a successful career.

Blue circle with a white A in the center and the word AmeriCorps to the right of it


Impact change in a community- whether close to home or across the country- while earning a living stipend and Education Award. National service opportunities span from environmental conservation to economic empowerment to public health—and more!

Remember, you can include volunteer experiences on your resume!
​Check out our resume resources for tips on showcasing your skills and accomplishments. ​

Ask A Viking

Ask a Viking

Find organizations where you can make a difference from alumni through Ask A Viking!