LGBTQ+ Students and Alumni

Western Washington University’s Career Services Center provides a range of tools and resources to assist students and alumni in any stage of the career planning process. The first step in any career search is to reflect on what is most important to you and how your personal identity connects to your career decisions. We provide a supportive and nonjudgmental environment where all students and alumni can ask questions and have conversations about their next steps in the career development process. ​

​The resources and information below are intended to help you make informed decisions about your career plans.  We also offer workshops on a variety of career topics, and we encourage you to schedule an appointment if you want to have a 1:1 conversation about your career goals, questions, or next steps​.

How can I evaluate a company’s workplace culture, including their commitment to access, diversity, equity, and inclusion?​

What is the organization’s mission and values? What are their workplace policies, including recruitment and promotion practices?  Who is on the team and who occupies leadership positions? Are there programs and resources that demonstrate a commitment to equity and inclusion? While originally written for employers, 50+ Ideas for Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion at Your Company, provides insights into specific things to look for when seeking inclusive organizations. ​

​As you research, reflect on what you are finding. How does this information align with your personal career priorities? What additional information would you like to learn?

This provides an opportunity to hear firsthand perspectives about what it is like to work for the organization. You may be able to find a Western alum who works there through the LinkedIn Alumni Tool. On Handshake, you may be able to reach out to students from other schools who have worked or interned at the company. Glassdoor provides company reviews written by employees. ​

An interview is an opportunity for you to learn more about a team and organization, so you can make an informed decision about whether you want to work there. Read Conscious Job Seeking: Assessing Employers' Commitment to DEI for some sample questions. ​

How can I connect with professionals who can help me advance towards my career goals? ​

Networking is the process of establishing valuable connections with professionals, peers, and alumni. Building a professional network means you can get advice, referrals, and inside information from experts in your field. In addition, employers often prefer to hire people they know— or who have connections to people they know. ​

​Visit our Networking page to learn more and get tips for building your own professional network!​

Joining professional associations is an effective way to meet professionals who share your interests. Many associations have a reduced rate- or even free membership- for students. We have included some identity-based professional associations on this page

As a young professional, it is valuable to build relationships with people who can provide advice and advocate for your continued advancement. Read Why You Need Sponsors (Not Just Mentors)—and How to Find Them to learn more about building these types of professional relationships. ​

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Please let us know what resources and information would be helpful to support you in your career planning and preparation by completing this form.​

Interested in a tailored presentation or workshop?​

A member of the Career Services Center team can provide a workshop or presentation for your student club!​ Check out our list of workshops to request one for your group.​