Prospective Students

Where can your Western degree lead you?
Check out what Western students are doing with their degree after graduation on the WWU Graduate Outcomes page.
Western has over 200 academic programs
Explore all Western majors and programs on the WWU Majors page.
Trying to decide what major might be a good fit for you?
It is okay to be undecided about a major and to spend time considering the possibilities available. Our Choosing a Major webpage is designed to help you with this process!
You can also meet with a Career Counselor to talk with someone about Choosing a Major or a Health Professions Advisor if you’re interested in a career in healthcare.
Excited about what Western has to offer?
Learn more about the application process on our Admissions page.
Already admitted to Western and confirmed your enrollment?
Make sure you sign up for an Advising & Registration session!