Job Market Information

The Career Center has generated a list of useful resources to assist individuals in understanding labor market trends at the regional, state and national levels. Exploring these resources will help students to better understand the climate of the current labor market and make informed career decisions as they prepare to enter the world of work.​

Bureau of Labor Statistics

​Principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.​

Employment Security Department of WA State​

​Economic and job market and workforce data for WA State.​

Employment Security Department of WA State​

Economic and job market and workforce data for WA State.​

Puget Sound Business Journal

Comprehensive coverage of business news from a local, regional and national perspective.​

Collegiate Employment Research Institute

The CERI conducts an annual survey on trends in campus recruiting. ​​

NACE Job Outlook Surveys

Trends & predictions, graduate outcomes, and compensation research for the early-career job market from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.​